

The Mattress and How It Affects Rest

You probably don’t realize exactly how much goes into making sure that your body gets a good night’s sleep. You’ve been sleeping since the day you were born. You’re a natural at it, so who cares how it happens so long as you get enough of it?

Well, that is one way of looking at it. But that’s an incomplete picture that doesn’t address certain biological realities. For instance, did you know that the body looks to natural darkness and uses it as a cue to start shutting your body down? It’s true, and when sunlight streams in it acts as a cue for your body to start waking up.

But let’s bring the discussion a little closer to home, shall we? Let’s say you fall asleep in a certain position every night. You do, whether you know it or not. However, when you wake up, you’re all stiff and sore and you feel like you need an extra hour or three to get the rest you’re looking for.

It’s not your fault - your body knows how it’s comfortable, and it takes that position for a reason. But if you have a mattress that doesn’t accommodate that position properly, you won’t get the rest you need.

Fortunately, Sleepys is here to help with all kinds of mattresses. You’re bound to find the one that’ll help you.


Sleepys, Sleepys Mattress

Aren’t we all in need for a restful night’s sleep after a hard day of labor? Everyone would probably agree that this would help us regain our strength, recuperate and build more robust cells! Similar to how varied or sleeping positions are, there are also a good number of stuffs that we need for us to be in deep slumber. Sleepys Mattress is one indispensible bedroom accessory for many! They come in numerous versions but with a single aim of providing you a comfortable structure to lie on. Sleepys are good at giving you the best of the best mattresses while taking into consideration your varying needs!

Have you ever woken up early in the morning on the wrong side of the bed? Aching back, pounding headache and a very terrible mood are what you’ll most likely experience. There’s also a great probability that your bed is the main problem and not only your position. Sleepys Mattress sticks to the idea that each person is unique and thus, what is required for them to be able to sleep may differ from one to the other! Indeed Sleepys hold the principle “different strokes for different folks” in making each and every Sleepys Mattress! Those with back problems need not worry about making their condition worse because with firm mattresses from Sleepys, it can be assured that their vulnerable back is well supported. There are those made of hypoallergenic materials too! With Sleepys Mattress, surely, you’ll have a good sleep that would prepare you for the battles you need to overcome the next day!


Coil Mattress Vs. Foam Mattress

With the advent of new technologies, we find ourselves with a great many options for our mattresses. And what has happened, perhaps inevitably, is a growing set of dichotomies between mattress types. The comforts and pains of one mattress type are increasingly being weighed against another. Sometimes favorably, and sometimes not.

With that in mind, let us examine a pair of mattress types and how they rank against each other: coil mattresses and foam mattresses.

Coil mattresses are the older type of mattress. They have a bit of a history stretching back even to before the 1900s. That was when the box spring was incorporated into the mattress as a means of absorbing shock and spreading weight over a wider area. This innovation allowed for mattresses to have an extended lifespan, and was considered to make them more comfortable.

Prior to this development, mattresses were considered to be a single piece. If you look at it that way, it’s possible to consider the foam mattress as a return to that way of doing things. It’s a single unit, without any springs, relying instead on a built in support with the foam acting as your sleeping surface.

The foam works like the springs, absorbing impact and spreading the weight. But there is a difference: the foam is a firmer kind of surface. It reacts not just to weight but also to heat, and is far superior to the coil spring in terms of its ability to absorb force.

So the question now has to be asked, as to which one of these is better. And as always, the truth is that it depends on you. It depends on what makes you comfortable: whether you prefer a less firm surface, or if you prefer one that’s going to give you that extra support.

It’s really up to you as to which one is better.


5 Types of Mattresses

Mattresses have a lot of different things to know. They are arguably a form of technology, especially when compared with the sleeping systems that we used before mattresses.

Prior to the mattress, we slept on the ground. Not the most comfortable place, true, but if you’re tired enough then anywhere can be comfortable. As people maintained a nomadic lifestyle, the idea of carrying anything extra would have been foolish. Particularly a thing for sleeping that would serve no purpose and weigh you down.

Still, all evidence seems to suggest that we graduated to sleeping on pelts at some point to insulate ourselves from cold ground, as well as curling up in the skins of slain beasts to take advantage of their warmth.

Beds don’t really start to show up as such until we settled down as a species. We weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so we dedicated ourselves to finding ways to be comfortable when sleeping. Mattresses as they are today are the result of centuries of trial and error, of engineering and ingenuity.

As it is, there are 5 different types of mattresses now.

These are mattresses that have spring structures inside of them. These mattresses are the most common of all of them.

Rather than using coiled springs to support your body, these mattresses rely on a foam material to absorb the weight of your body. These are typically considered more supportive than innerspring models.

These mattresses are made out of hypoallergenic material - perfect for sleepers who can’t sleep due to a closed nose.

Flat mattresses, classically placed on the ground. Very thin, but very good for people who fall asleep on their back.

These are a relatively new kind of mattress. They work on the same principle as a foam cushion does, with one difference. Air mattresses can be adjusted to fit different body types, and these are typically billed as a ‘customizable sleeping system.’