

Why to Choose Sleepys

Sleepys is a fantastic mattress retailer, and it shows. There are a lot of reasons that they are, and they all come back to the fact that Sleepys is a great company doing its best to serve its customers.

To begin with, it’s the largest mattress retailer in the country. With over 700 stores in the country spreading out from the eastern seaboard, no other chain of retailers comes even close to the amount of stores that are opened up with the Sleepys name.

No other can match the history of the company either. Sleepys is a fifty four year old company that shows no sign of slowing down, and it’s driven by old time principles like quality salespeople and the like.

These qualities illustrate the reasons for shopping at Sleepys: their dedication to excellence, their customer service, and the trustworthiness of the brand.


  1. If I choose sleepys, I think I can sleep better because of their mattress. And I was agree on this article about their service.

    Sleepy's Mattress

  2. I choose sleepys because sleepys is a great company doing its best to serve its customers.

    Sleepys Mattress Stores
