

The Mattress and How It Affects Rest

You probably don’t realize exactly how much goes into making sure that your body gets a good night’s sleep. You’ve been sleeping since the day you were born. You’re a natural at it, so who cares how it happens so long as you get enough of it?

Well, that is one way of looking at it. But that’s an incomplete picture that doesn’t address certain biological realities. For instance, did you know that the body looks to natural darkness and uses it as a cue to start shutting your body down? It’s true, and when sunlight streams in it acts as a cue for your body to start waking up.

But let’s bring the discussion a little closer to home, shall we? Let’s say you fall asleep in a certain position every night. You do, whether you know it or not. However, when you wake up, you’re all stiff and sore and you feel like you need an extra hour or three to get the rest you’re looking for.

It’s not your fault - your body knows how it’s comfortable, and it takes that position for a reason. But if you have a mattress that doesn’t accommodate that position properly, you won’t get the rest you need.

Fortunately, Sleepys is here to help with all kinds of mattresses. You’re bound to find the one that’ll help you.


Sleepys, Sleepys Mattress

Aren’t we all in need for a restful night’s sleep after a hard day of labor? Everyone would probably agree that this would help us regain our strength, recuperate and build more robust cells! Similar to how varied or sleeping positions are, there are also a good number of stuffs that we need for us to be in deep slumber. Sleepys Mattress is one indispensible bedroom accessory for many! They come in numerous versions but with a single aim of providing you a comfortable structure to lie on. Sleepys are good at giving you the best of the best mattresses while taking into consideration your varying needs!

Have you ever woken up early in the morning on the wrong side of the bed? Aching back, pounding headache and a very terrible mood are what you’ll most likely experience. There’s also a great probability that your bed is the main problem and not only your position. Sleepys Mattress sticks to the idea that each person is unique and thus, what is required for them to be able to sleep may differ from one to the other! Indeed Sleepys hold the principle “different strokes for different folks” in making each and every Sleepys Mattress! Those with back problems need not worry about making their condition worse because with firm mattresses from Sleepys, it can be assured that their vulnerable back is well supported. There are those made of hypoallergenic materials too! With Sleepys Mattress, surely, you’ll have a good sleep that would prepare you for the battles you need to overcome the next day!


Coil Mattress Vs. Foam Mattress

With the advent of new technologies, we find ourselves with a great many options for our mattresses. And what has happened, perhaps inevitably, is a growing set of dichotomies between mattress types. The comforts and pains of one mattress type are increasingly being weighed against another. Sometimes favorably, and sometimes not.

With that in mind, let us examine a pair of mattress types and how they rank against each other: coil mattresses and foam mattresses.

Coil mattresses are the older type of mattress. They have a bit of a history stretching back even to before the 1900s. That was when the box spring was incorporated into the mattress as a means of absorbing shock and spreading weight over a wider area. This innovation allowed for mattresses to have an extended lifespan, and was considered to make them more comfortable.

Prior to this development, mattresses were considered to be a single piece. If you look at it that way, it’s possible to consider the foam mattress as a return to that way of doing things. It’s a single unit, without any springs, relying instead on a built in support with the foam acting as your sleeping surface.

The foam works like the springs, absorbing impact and spreading the weight. But there is a difference: the foam is a firmer kind of surface. It reacts not just to weight but also to heat, and is far superior to the coil spring in terms of its ability to absorb force.

So the question now has to be asked, as to which one of these is better. And as always, the truth is that it depends on you. It depends on what makes you comfortable: whether you prefer a less firm surface, or if you prefer one that’s going to give you that extra support.

It’s really up to you as to which one is better.


5 Types of Mattresses

Mattresses have a lot of different things to know. They are arguably a form of technology, especially when compared with the sleeping systems that we used before mattresses.

Prior to the mattress, we slept on the ground. Not the most comfortable place, true, but if you’re tired enough then anywhere can be comfortable. As people maintained a nomadic lifestyle, the idea of carrying anything extra would have been foolish. Particularly a thing for sleeping that would serve no purpose and weigh you down.

Still, all evidence seems to suggest that we graduated to sleeping on pelts at some point to insulate ourselves from cold ground, as well as curling up in the skins of slain beasts to take advantage of their warmth.

Beds don’t really start to show up as such until we settled down as a species. We weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so we dedicated ourselves to finding ways to be comfortable when sleeping. Mattresses as they are today are the result of centuries of trial and error, of engineering and ingenuity.

As it is, there are 5 different types of mattresses now.

These are mattresses that have spring structures inside of them. These mattresses are the most common of all of them.

Rather than using coiled springs to support your body, these mattresses rely on a foam material to absorb the weight of your body. These are typically considered more supportive than innerspring models.

These mattresses are made out of hypoallergenic material - perfect for sleepers who can’t sleep due to a closed nose.

Flat mattresses, classically placed on the ground. Very thin, but very good for people who fall asleep on their back.

These are a relatively new kind of mattress. They work on the same principle as a foam cushion does, with one difference. Air mattresses can be adjusted to fit different body types, and these are typically billed as a ‘customizable sleeping system.’


Why to Buy a Mattress From Sleepys

So you’ve probably seen some ads from some kind of a ‘mattress discount center’ or some such as that. And you think they sound like a good idea. The mattresses are off brand, and they’re cheaper, and it’s not exactly as if they’re somehow worse than the brand names, right?

Why should you go to the trouble of finding one of our stores? Why should you deal with us over some other group of stores?

Because, we are the mattress professionals. We know things about how mattresses work. We know that, amongst other things, not all mattresses are meant for all people. And, we know how to take what you’re looking for and translate it into a genuinely good mattress for yourself.

We’re dedicated to providing that level of service for all of our customers, and we look forward to rendering that same level of service to you as well.


Why Are There Different Mattress Types?

There are different mattresses. We’re not just talking about different brands of mattress; we’re talking about genuinely different sleeping systems.

Sometimes you’ll deal with something like the sleep number beds, which are essentially adjustable airbeds that you’ll see elsewhere. And you’ve probably heard of Craftmatic adjustable beds, which sell themselves on the novelty and their health benefits.

You get what we’re saying. There are a lot of different beds out there.

And even if you’re dealing with something like a flat mattress, it’s still not simplified. You have box spring mattresses, coil mattresses, futon mattresses. You have a lot of different types of mattress, and each one is suited to a different kind of sleep.

That’s the key. That’s the big difference between mattresses and the reason why there’s so many of them everywhere.

It simply boils down to the fact that no two bodies are exactly the same. Everyone weighs a little different, everyone has a slightly different body structure, and the pressure of gravity bearing down is going to do different things to each body as a result.

For some bodies, it’s no big deal. They can sleep on the floor, and get up and not feel anything the next day. If you fall asleep on your back, it’s arguably better for you to sleep on the floor anyway, and a thin mattress is good for you.

If you sleep on your side, you’re going to need something more substantial to cushion those joints. That’s where foam mattresses and the like are more handy.


The importance of sleeping properly

Everyone needs a good night’s sleep to function properly. There is absolutely no excuse for this rule. During sleeping hours, the body also rests and repairs itself in preparation for another day of physical activity. Missing a few hours of sleep is more than enough to send it into a state of confusion that will affect your personal and professional lifestyle. If you are ready to start enjoying better sleeping hours, then pay a quick visit to your local Sleepy’s. Our expert trained staff will ensure that you find the great sleep you need.


The Trick To A Better Night’s Sleep

At the end of the day, there are few things that are constant. You cannot control how work will go or if the boss will give you a hard time. You cannot control any unexpected or depressing news to reach you once you are home. You cannot expect to be on top of the world 24/7. There is only one thing that you can expect with certainty at the end of each day: sleep, sleep, and more sleep. How you sleep during those critical hours at night will have a specific impact on how you operate during the rest of the day. A great mattress is the trick to getting a better nights sleep. All other things staying constant, your mattress is the only way to ensure you make the most during your sleep. Consider looking for a great mattress today.


How Can You Buy a Mattress from Sleepys?

Sleepys is a retail mattress location. That’s good, because people love to buy from us. It’s either our commercials, or it’s the fact that we have access to the name brand products, or it’s the fact that we’re everywhere on the east coast, or it’s our shipping capacity. Call it what you will, but people love to buy from us.

Of course, the question then is how.

And it seems like an obvious answer. Just walk in, right? But that’s not going to work if you’re not near one of our stores. We have over 700, and we’re always on the look out for the opportunity to expand, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re still mostly on the eastern seaboard.

Of course, you can also go to our website as well. Sleepys keeps shipping warehouses on both sides of the country. If you’re looking for a mattress from us, we can have it to you in a matter of days.


Why Are There Different Types of Mattresses?

The whole concept of having different types of mattresses just seems kind of ridiculous, doesn’t it?

Look at us. We are, for the most part, the same. We have a spine. We have two arms and two legs. Any given body should react the same to a mattress. If that’s true, given our understanding of how the body works on a bio-mechanical level, we should be able to construct the ‘one true mattress.’

That makes sense on paper. The problem is that we don’t live on paper.

All people are just a little bit different. They all sleep a little bit differently. Some people sleep on their backs, others on their sides, a few even on their fronts. And the simple fact is that different mattresses do better at facilitating different kinds of sleep.

People who sleep on their backs, for instance, are relatively rare. Yet, they benefit from firmer mattresses. This is because it helps their spines to maintain proper alignment. These are people who could use something more minimal like a futon, which has little cushioning.

The same pattern applies to other people. What’s right for you is going to depend more on the type of sleep habits you have. That determines the optimal sleeping arrangement for you.


The Importance of Good Sleep

Most of the research that’s being published about sleeping is geared toward how little of it we need as a species to function. That is because we as a society are geared towards hard work and hard play. Sleep is for the lazy and the weak, who cannot find a way to cope with the harder realities of life.

The general consensus appears to be that we are to get by on six to seven hours of sleep per night. That clearly means we can get less than that and handle it just fine.

Doesn’t it?

Well, it turns out, that’s not really true.

Much of the research on sleep has centered around a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone. While most of its applications revolve around fight-or-flight situations and making sure you get out safe and sound and alive and all of that, it is also something that affects your sleep.

The hormone actually builds up in your body as you sleep. The gradual increase is part of the reason that you wake up after seven or eight hours, or more. The hormone is then used up throughout the day, keeping you awake and alert until you need to shut down and regenerate.

That’s a quality cycle.

What is generally advocated, however, is as little sleep as you can stand. That means that your cortisol levels never get the chance to hit their optimal rates for you. You crash and burn quicker, and the stress of it forces your body to produce more, so that instead of a long steady source of energy you get fits and starts.

If that’s acceptable to you, then so be it. But keep in mind, a quality night’s sleep means giving your body the time to do what it’s meant to.


When to Replace Your Mattress

Congratulations, you have a mattress. That’s great. Now you can have it to sleep on forever, without replacing it because these things are made to last and-

No. It doesn’t work that way.

Mattresses are a material thing. Like all material things, it breaks down. It won’t last forever, it can’t. The best you can do with a mattress is to spread out the damage over as long a period of time as you can, so as to minimize the break down that you’ll be dealing with.

Now, how you maintain these mattresses is going to differ from one to the next. A traditional spring mattress, for instance, is best maintained by flipping it over once every six months or so. This allows some of the springs to readjust, while others take on the burden of your body.

If you take the right care of your mattresses, it’s possible to see this thing last anywhere from five to seven years. It could be more than that and it could be less than that too. It’s going to depend an awful lot on things like how often it’s used, who’s using it, how much they weigh, things like that. If it’s regularly used, it’s going to come down to a matter of how well-maintained the mattress is.

The rule of thumb on this one is to use a mattress until it’s not comfortable for sleeping on anymore. When it’s not comfortable anymore, that’s when it’s time to switch it out.


Different Brands Available

At Sleepys Mattresses, we’re known as being the biggest retailer of mattresses in the country, and probably in the world. We have 700 different stores, spread across multiple states, and we do business on both sides of the country.

We can get a lot of mattresses out there is what we’re saying.

And shopping with us, you definitely won’t be lacking for options. We can do all kinds of different brands of mattress for you.

For instance, we do carry the Tempur-Pedic brand of mattress. It’s perfect if you wake up in the morning with back pain and find yourself needing more stability and support. You don’t have to settle with one of those knock-off brands with us.

And who could forget the three S’s of mattresses? We are, of course, referring to Sealy, Simmons, and Serta. When it comes to box spring mattresses, they are the ones you want to go to. They make the most, and their mattresses are good quality, enough to last you the five to seven years that a good mattress gets and then some.

But that’s not all. We carry more brands than just those. We carry, for instance, the Miralux line. This is a specialty brand that we’ve actually made ourselves. It’s designed as the crossroads for luxury and utility, giving you a higher-quality mattress at an affordable price.

We have even more than these. We’d be glad to show them to you when you get a chance to stop by.


Dream, Dream, Dream

We are a tired people. No two ways about it. The science has actually weighed in and said that we are not sleeping enough.

There are poll numbers to support this. Without getting boring about it, the average American is working 50 to 60 hours a week. That's roughly 10 to 12 hours per day, assuming that he's not working on the weekends. He's only sleeping about six hours per night.

The explanations for this are varied. Some would say it's us trying to keep up not only with work but with our social lives as well. Others would say that the lack of sleep is knocking out our cortisol levels, so that we're energized and tired at all the wrong parts of the day.

We don't sleep enough and as a result, we continue to sleep less.

But honestly? It might just have something to do with the fact that your bed isn't comfortable.

The average mattress is going to last you about five to seven years, if you take the proper care of it. That means, if you have a spring mattress, you flip it over so the springs adapt properly. When was the last time you did that?

It's okay if you don't remember. You're probably too tired.

So come by Sleepys mattresses and pick up a new mattress, new pillows, the works. We have sales going on every week in any of our 700 different stores, and we give you the most variety to choose from.

And just between us, if you should oversleep because of a comfortable bed, we have the feeling it'll be the best thing that happened to you in a while.

So stop on by! We'd be more than happy to help you.


Why to Get a Comfortable Mattress

Sleep is something that we all need more of. We note in the articles from everyone else these days the need that we have for sleep, but we read to figure out how little sleep we can get by on.

There's probably a lot of commentary we could make about that. What it says about us as a culture. We need to sleep, but we can't stand the idea of it. We think so much is depending on us getting everything done and taken care of.

Instead of taking the time to rest and acknowledge our limits, we pare the time we have down to rest down as low as we can so we can get up and work again. After all, our debts and our homes and all of that won't pay themselves off now, will they?

If all of this is true, we need to make sure we have the best bed possible. Your body needs the time that you take to rest for healing and for maintenance. If you're not going to be taking the time to get what you need, you at least owe it to yourself to rest comfortably.

Look at it this way: you're punishing yourself relentlessly. You owe yourself some reprieve, however slight. If you're not going to take the right amount, then having some comfort will help you get to the sleep you need sooner.

We won't say which one is more comfortable, because everyone's a little different. But we will be here to help you when you decide you need us.


How Having Your Choice of Mattresses Gives You a Better Night's Sleep

There's a reason that everybody makes fun of campers. It's because of the ground. The ground is a hard, unyielding thing. It does not offer you any kind of support to work with. It doesn't care. It just does its ground thing.

And it's hard on your back. Most people say that an ultra hard surface like that is great for the spine, for getting it to align right. And that's true. But it's only for a really small portion of the population that falls asleep on their backs.

Most people, in the meantime, fall asleep on their sides. That means that the ground is not a nice place for them. Therefore, they need a mattress to make things better.

Of course, has time has gone by, mattress technology has changed as well. We don't have to use just a box spring mattress anymore, and those things can be really uncomfortable.

Not only do we have mattresses to make the necessity of sleep better, we now have mattresses to help people to get better sleep than they had before.

For example, the Tempur material is absolutely great if you're looking for support for your back. It doesn't have a lot of bounce in it, so if you like jumping on the bed, something more traditional might be what you want.

It's all up to you. That's the great thing about so many different kinds of mattress. You get the flexibility that you want to decide the kind of sleep that you want.


Different types of mattresses

This is a country of choices, which means that you don't lack for options when it comes to your sleep. As it stands, there are a ton of different types of mattresses to meet your needs.

The traditional mattresses contain springs in them as the support structure. This makes the beds less lumpy. This also means that they can be elevated a little bit higher, which means that sleepers have an easier time getting up and getting about their business.But as you no doubt realize, you have more than that.If you don't mind something firmer, you have options in air mattresses and futons. Air mattresses were originally designed in the '40s, and are adjustable in terms of how much support they give you. Futon mattresses, on the other hand, are just mats that are placed on the ground. Western futons will typically have some kind of a couch structure. Eastern designs will not.And of course, everyone knows about the Tempur-pedic beds. These beds are popular amongst people with back problems because they're made of memory foam. This offers a greater degree of support and keeps people's back in a proper structure.Ultimately, only you can decide which mattress is right for you. It's your night's sleep.


About inner spring mattress

Innerspring mattresses are probably the most common type of mattress in use today. It's what we tend to associate with some of the older spring mattresses, so far as having a bunch of wires and springs supporting us while we sleep. However, the new innerspring mattresses are designed around the idea of maintaining comfortable support for the sleeper.

Nonetheless, there are some misconceptions that people tend to have about these mattresses.

For example, it was believed that a mattress with more springs would lead to a firmer mattress. Whilst true to a certain extent, it's also become clear that the construction of the wire spring itself is a major contributor. It's typical to see innerspring mattresses with anywhere from 300 to 800 springs. Of course you can guess that a firmer bed has more springs in it, but it's possible to get the same result with only 400 springs if the gauge of the spring is high enough.

Also, firmer mattresses aren't necessarily better. They can be better for people who sleep on their back, but the majority of people tend to sleep on their sides instead. It follows, then, that people who sleep on their sides should be less concerned about the firmness of the mattress and more concerned with getting the right amount of support to put their spine in alignment.

For that matter, mattresses with individually wrapped coils tend to be the best.


Welcome to Sleepys blog

Welcome to Sleepys: the Mattress Professionals. We thank you for stopping by.

We're proud to be America's number one mattress retailer. Choose from any of our vast selection – innerspring, foam mattresses, futons, latex, and box spring mattresses, all available for you to select from.

Also, you get to choose from the best lineup of quality mattress providers. Simmons, Serta, Sealy, Tempur-pedic, Sleep Options, Miralux and more.

Of course we have sales going all the time on different beddings and furniture. Please feel free to stop by any of our over 700 stores. We're ready to help you get a good night's sleep. So welcome, once again, to Sleepys!